Mental Health America of Los Angeles (MHALA)
Saved on 4 projects and calls
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Mental Health America of Los Angeles works to ensure that people with mental health needs achieve meaningful, healthy lives in their communities.What We Do
Mental Health America of Los Angeles has been a pioneer in mental health service advocacy, innovation, and training for nearly a century, working to ensure that people with mental health needs achieve meaningful, healthy lives in their communities.Established in 1924, MHALA is among the largest and most comprehensive nonprofit mental health agencies in Los Angeles County. MHALA pioneered the recovery model, now widely used across the United States, which meets individuals where they are, focuses on strengths, respects client choice, and integrates care.
Fundamental to the recovery model is the belief that people who have faced mental health challenges can and do recover.
The agency supports nearly 16,500 low-income and no-income individuals annually with integrated services. MHALA achieves impact in the areas of mental health, healthcare, homelessness and housing, supported employment, wellness, training for the behavioral health workforce and for community members, and public policy and advocacy, with special programs for Veterans and transition-age youth.
Our integrated services include:
* Mental health care
* Medical health care
* Housing
* Employment
* Homeless outreach and drop-in centers
* Education and financial programs
* Linkages to substance abuse services
* Wellness, resilience, and life skills programs
* Veterans and transition-age youth services
We provide services in 24 sites throughout Los Angeles County, including Long Beach, the Antelope Valley, and the Santa Clarita Valley.