Mental 360

place Nairobi, Kenya


Saved on 4 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Our mission is to raise mental health awareness and provide affordable and accessible mental health care and social support opportunities for youth experiencing mental health challenges.

What We Do

Our Social Impact Programs are:
1. Affordable Counselling and Psychosocial Support
We offer affordable to free solutions to youth between 18- 35 years of age via a
dynamic tiered business model to ensure sustainability. Free services are availed
to needy cases. We run a national helpline 0710360360 that responds to emergency cases by offering on-demand psychological first aid and scheduling for services. The helpline has served over 10,000 people over the years.
Mental 360 also runs virtual and physical support groups covering various
thematic areas.

2. Boma Wellness Clubs in Schools.
Mental 360 targets young people aged between 13 years and 22 years to
join Wellness clubs in Secondary Schools and Universities. The club serves as a safe space
for topical mental health learning, open discussions, social support systems, communication channel and a referral pathway. This is informed by the fact that
evidence shows that mental health challenges begin manifesting in the teen
years for
We believe that working with young people will not only address the mental health
challenges among youth in the country but mitigate losses as a result of student
unrest and enhance overall productivity, health and wellness towards attaining
Sustainable Development Goal 3. The design of the program is scalable with
design aspect that can be scaled through to all high schools and youth settings in Kenya.

3. Community Wellness Centres
Our community wellness outreach program aims to provide mental health resources and education to underserved communities
that lack access to these services. We collaborate closely with grassroots organisations and community leaders to identify areas
where mental health support is needed and develop targeted programs to address those needs. Through our community-led Community Wellness Centres, we ensure the sustainability of projects by training community members to run the centres. These centres
serve as points of care for Psychological First Aid, peer support group meetings, and social services referrals.
Our goal is to help individuals take control of their mental health, develop help-seeking behaviour, and create safe spaces for themselves and their communities. If you're interested in learning more about our community wellness centres and how you can get
involved, please contact us today.

4. The Cradle( Time To Talk Caravan)
The Cradle is an arts festival themed around mental health. Its main goals are to shine a light on the mental health situation in the country, educate the public on where to get help and how to support people with mental illnesses and provide the youth in the arts industry with a platform to grow their brands and businesses
This a nationwide campaign that moves from one county to another until
all 47 counties are covered. The aim of the Caravan is to ignite conversations among communities about mental health and mental illnesses. We believe the solutions to each community's challenges lie within the community. With this intervention, we aim to improve help-seeking behavior
and strengthen social support systems. We provide access to free mental
health care and support the set up of psychosocial support groups


Bright S
Bright S.
Founder and Executive Director
Stella N
Stella N.
People & Partnerships Lead
Emmah K.
Programs Officer
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