
place Greenfield, Massachusetts, USA


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At LifePath, we listen first, and then help each person find the best options for their unique needs. We help elders and persons with disabilities maintain independence and quality of life in their own homes and communities. We help caregivers to find relief and help loved ones to choose the right path.

As we have been for 45 years, we'll be there offering options for independence.

What We Do

We help people stay independent in their homes and communities. For example, we offer in-home services, Meals on Wheels, health insurance help, and much more. We also work to fight elder abuse.

We coordinate the right services for each person using a variety of providers and programs. Services might be personal care, meals, housing, transportation, emotional support, education, help managing medications, and much more.


Barbara B.
Executive Director
Heather N.
Volunteer manager
Lynne F
Lynne F.
Director of Community Services
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