Justice Pour Tous
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Justice Pour Tous is an organization that promotes the rights of marginalized and vulnerable communities in areas rich in natural resources through ensuring good governance in the environmental and natural resources sector.Area expertise : Energy, Accountability in natural resources sector, community rights over natural ressources, climate change, environmental justice.
What We Do
Justice Pour Tous works on issues ranging from mining and other extractive industries, natural resource rights, including land acquisition, tenure and property rights, as well as accountability mechanisms for human and peoples rights, and environmental rights.Justice Pour Tous works with local communities, monitors and documents abuses committed by extractive corporations. Justice Pour Tous educates local communities and encourages them to struggle for their rights.
Justice Pour Tous approach to land protection consists of four main elements:
* Empowering communities to protect their land rights;
* Supporting communities to document land claims, resolving land disputes when they appear;
* Promoting local good governance by holding leaders accountable and increasing community involvement in land management (establishing the nature, type and duration of rights over land resources);
* Facilitating access to land and supporting legal land registration;
Justice Pour Tous supports the establishment of committees at the community level to monitor child marriage. Ten village committees have been established. They are made up of motivated individuals, including child marriage survivors. Justice Pour Tous helps the committees create action plans and focus on their energies.