Journey of Faith Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Saved on 5 projects and calls
This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.
At the moment, Journey of Faith is a small, diverse, inter-generational, mission-oriented Christian community in Ann Arbor.Disciples following Jesus' example, doing good in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti for 125 years; committed to making the world a just and lifegiving place for all.
We strive to demonstrate Christ's love with the intention to make meaningful impact in the areas of affordable housing, homelessness, aging and caregiving.
What We Do
We follow Jesus as disciples in justice and service. Jesus' life was one of action and impactful healing, feeding and working for justice for the poor and oppressed.So, we serve our community and work with residents to transform it. With the current housing crisis in Washtenaw County only escalating, we tend to emergency needs and to organize for housing justice.
We are also piloting similar work with the county's growing aging population and caregivers. In response to the increasing public health concerns of health inequities, social isolation/loneliness among the elderly and increasing poverty among older adults.