Jewish Women of Words

place Melbourne, Australia


Saved on 26 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Jewish Women of Words is a platform empowering and amplifying women writers.

Connect--offering collaboration, community and inclusion
Grow-- building networks, confidence and competence
Enable-- publishing experienced and emerging voices

What We Do

JWOW is an online publishing platform for reflection about what it means to be a Jewish woman in the increasingly complex world today. It is a community of emerging and established writers and a space for, by and about Jewish women. JWOW gives Jewish women a voice, a community and a platform.

NFP run by volunteers. Articles are published on the blog and via Facebook, and a regular newsletter is emailed to subscribers.

JWOW sometimes runs writing workshops in conjunction with the Jewish Museum of Australia, LaunchPad and Pathways for those who would like to meet face to face, learn from and support each other.


Liora M
Liora M.
Managing editor and Co-Founder
Deborah R
Deborah R.
Volunteer Manager
Simone S.
Volunteer manager
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