Hospitality House (legal name: Central City Hospitality House)

place San Francisco, California, USA


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Hospitality House is a progressive, community-based organization located in San Francisco's Tenderloin Neighborhood, Sixth Street Corridor, and Mid-Market Area that provides opportunities and resources for personal growth and self-determination to homeless people and neighborhood residents.

Our mission is to build community strength by advocating policies and rendering services which foster self-sufficiency and cultural enrichment.

What We Do

Through six innovative and integrated programs, Hospitality House provides community-based solutions to the challenges facing our neighborhoods. The Tenderloin Self-Help Center and Sixth Street Self-Help Center are behavioral health-based community centers that provide a range of emergency and support services using a low-threshold, peer-based, self-help model. The Shelter Program is a small men's dormitory that provides basic emergency shelter as well as one-on-one case management. Since 1969, the Community Arts Program is a unique space where individuals can create, house and sell artwork, offering open studio hours, workshops, a creative writing class, and an opportunity for artists to exhibit and sell their work. The Community Building Program is a hub for civic engagement, leadership development, and community building in the Tenderloin, offering a range of healing engagement, and skills-building opportunities for community residents who have experienced the trauma of poverty and disenfranchisement. The Employment Program offers job readiness services, employment and training resources, and job search support through two neighborhood-based employment resources centers. All programs work together to provide a range of support, resources, and opportunities for people to achieve stability and self-sufficiency.


Samson M
Samson M.
Director of Development
Joe W.
Executive Director
Tess D.
Development Manager
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