Hemisfair Conservancy
Saved on 17 projects and calls
This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.
The aspirational vision for Hemisfair is to be one of the world's great public places.The mission of the Hemisfair Conservancy is to serve as a powerful conduit of philanthropy to elevate San Antonio by ensuring exceptional quality and longevity of the Hemisfair public spaces and their amenities for generations.
What We Do
The 1968 World's Fair welcomed over six million people to San Antonio. HemisFair created jobs, strengthened the economy, and positioned San Antonio as a world-class tourist destination. However, over 2,000 residents were displaced to accommodate the historic event, and following the Fair's departure, the site remained unimproved and virtually inaccessible from surrounding areas.Four decades later, the San Antonio City Council established Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation (HPARC) to manage the transformation of the site. The Hemisfair Conservancy, founded in 2014, helps bring the vision to life by raising philanthropic contributions to augment public funds. HPARC and the Conservancy are working together to revitalize this downtown asset into a 40-acre urban parks district where people can live, work and play.