Glassbrook Vocal Ensemble

place Plainsboro, New Jersey, USA


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Glassbrook Vocal Ensemble is a professional choir based in Ewing, NJ seeking to enrich the lives of those in diverse communities by supplying the highest caliber of choral music-making. Glassbrook presents captivating concert experiences through collaboration with local musicians, arts organizations, and venues. The choir balances traditional choral music with premieres of new compositions to create varied programs for modern audiences

What We Do

Glassbrook presents captivating concert experiences through collaboration with local musicians, arts organizations, and venues.

The Ensemble also looks to enrich the lives of those in our community by providing educational outreach to local school music and community music programs.


Chaequan A
Chaequan A.
Founding Executive Artistic Director
Carey P.
Volunteer manager
Emmanuel B.
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