Fr. Alex You Memorial School

place Kampala, Uganda


Saved on 21 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Fr. Alex You Memorial School’s mission is to provide empowering and transformation knowledge, wisdom and skills relevant for integral and sustainable development to students and the community at large, with special attention given to children, youth, mothers and grandparents.

What We Do

An empowered mind, coupled with quality academic education and vocational skills foster transformation of individuals and communities in a sustainable way and this is what Fr. Alex You Memorial School does in Mubende district, Central Uganda.
Our Services
Providing quality nursery, primary and secondary education to children and youth.
Provide vocational skills to secondary students and school drop outs youth.
Provide health care and clean water to the students and the community.
Provide adult education, mind set sessions and income generation skills, VSLA to parents and a holistic community development.


Racheal H
Racheal H.
Grants Coordinator & Communications Officer
Peter K.
The pixel