Fostering Greatness Inc.

place Buffalo, New York, USA
language http://www.fosteringgreatnessinc…


Saved on 8 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Fostering Greatness Inc. a 501c3 grassroots organization located in Western New York that assists transitioning foster care alumni of color from ages 16-35.

We provide life skills, housing stability, educational/career guidance, holistic health programming and personal/professional development through access, opportunities and community supports.

Our vision is to welcome foster care alumni into a space that supports them in fostering their greatness.

What We Do

Fostering Greatness Inc. works with and assists foster care youth, young adults and alumni to rewrite their own narratives in life through access, opportunities and community supportive services.


Leah Angel D
Leah Angel D.
Founder and Executive Director
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