Family Promise of Greater Denver

place Denver, Colorado, USA
language https://www.familypromiseofgreat…


Saved on 17 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Our mission is to form relationships with families at risk of or experiencing homelessness by providing shelter, meals, and a spectrum of supportive services as they obtain permanent stability.

What We Do

We have several programs aimed at keeping & getting families into stable housing. Our Rapid Resolution program focuses on diverting families from homelessness through relocation, transportation or food cards, paying bills & other financial assistance. Every month we give out funds for rental assistance to keep families housed. Our Case Management, (Bridge) transitional housing, and Shelter program all focus on getting families into more stable housing through connection to resources, housing first initiatives, and helping families through a holistic approach. Our small team has high success rates because of this approach.


Arlinda F
Arlinda F.
Marketing & Communications Manager
Courtney J
Courtney J.
Executive Director
Melanie D.
Director of Programs
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