Environmental Protection Network
Saved on 35 projects and calls
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The Environmental Protection Network harnesses the expertise of over 550 former EPA career staff and political appointees from across the country to serve as a trusted resource, answering calls for objective analysis, scientific rigor, and a vision for a transformed 21st century EPA.What We Do
The Environmental Protection Network (EPN) was founded in January 2017 and now has over 550 EPA alumni across the country volunteering their time to protect the integrity of EPA, human health, and the environment. EPN harnesses the expertise of former EPA career staff and confirmation-level appointees from Democratic and Republican administrations to provide the unique perspective of former regulators with decades of historical knowledge and subject matter expertise.EPN is currently focused on building the capacity of environmental agencies and the communities they serve to truly address the most urgent health and environmental crises.
- EPN will ensure that EPA not only addresses the damage done during the Trump administration, but also advances policies, budgets, and institutional changes to Reset the Course of EPA.
- EPN will provide capacity-building technical assistance and training to environmental justice communities; NGOs; and under-resourced state, local, and tribal government agencies.
- EPN will train and mentor EPA staff and managers, look for opportunities to recruit and retain underrepresented populations to work at EPA, and inform people about EPA's impacts.
- EPN will educate Congress and serve as a critical resource for facts, objective analysis, and scientific rigor for reporters and NGOs.