Court Watch Montgomery

place Silver Spring, Maryland, USA


Saved on 5 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Court Watch Montgomery (CWM)'s mission to ensure that victims of domestic violence have access to responsive and vital justice. Through its volunteers, CWM collects data in hundreds of protective order hearings each year, identifies troublesome processes, writes data-driven reports and advocates for specific changes to ensure judicial "best practices." As a result of CWM's reports, (i) additional funding for bailiffs has been secured, (ii) the courts have adopted procedures such as protected waiting rooms, staggered exits and safe child visitation exchanges, (iii) the number and quality of protective orders has increased, and (iv) fewer abusers have access to guns.


Lavontte C
Lavontte C.
Interim Executive Director
Ginna I.
Volunteer manager
Janet R.
Volunteer manager
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