Corner Health Center
Saved on 11 projects and calls
This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.
The mission of the Corner Health Center is to inspire 12- to 25-year-olds (and their children) to achieve and sustain healthy lives by providing judgment-free, affordable health and wellness care and education.What We Do
The Corner provides judgment-free, high-quality medical care exclusively to all who are age 12 to 25, including:* Physicals, vaccinations and integrated medical care
* Mental health programs and counseling
* Sexual health and contraceptive services
* OB-GYN including pre- and post-natal care
* Pediatrics for the children of our patients
* Diet and nutrition support
* Hormone therapy for gender transition
We provide our services regardless of insurance status or ability to pay for care. Click here for more information.