Community Health Solutions

place Glen Allen, Virginia, USA


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At Community Health Solutions (CHS) we help people build strong nonprofits and healthier communities.

What We Do

We work across sectors with organizations in health, education, human services, public safety, and community development. We focus on supporting nonprofits and the foundations, associations, and public agencies that support their work. Our signature solution is the action learning collaborative, a creative way to bring people together for learning and action.

Core Capabilities:
HEALTHY COMMUNITY STRATEGIES: Create community impact and demonstrate value to stakeholders.
NONPROFIT PERFORMANCE STRATEGIES: Build capacity for high performance and impact.
SYSTEMS CHANGE STRATEGIES: System change for positive impact
BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER FOR LEARNING, ACTION, AND IMPROVEMENT: Bring people together for learning, action, and improvement


Terry L
Terry L.
Operations Manager and Senior Consultant
Steve H
Steve H.
Chief Executive Officer
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