Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ)

place Oakland, California, USA


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The mission of CURYJ (pronounced Courage) is to interrupt the cycles of violence and poverty by motivating and empowering young people that have been impacted directly and indirectly by the criminal justice system to make positive changes in their lives and prepare them to become the community leaders of today.

What We Do

Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ) will create a place for youth and their families to come together, heal from past experiences, dream and achieve their visions for the future through nonviolence and restorative justice training, leadership development, community organizing, legal and policy advocacy, social action research, education, cultural awareness, and health and wellness.


George G
George G.
Executive Director
Gee S
Gee S.
Volunteer manager
Rana H.
Director of Operations
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