Coalition of Asian American Leaders

place Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA


Saved on 3 projects and calls

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Harnessing our collective power by connecting, learning and acting together to improve the lives of community.

What We Do

Our primary areas of work are:
*Network Weaving - We build and deepen relationships among a broad cross -section of Asian Minnesotans, host events that help our leaders build social capital, and provide opportunities for leaders to learn about issues that impact the community.

*Advancing the Community's Priorities of Education, Economics, and Immigration - We carry out activities that inform and influence policy decisions that impact Asian Minnesotans; engage and mobilize the community to speak for themselves; illuminate research that lifts up practices and opportunities to meet the needs of those most impacted by inequities; and advocate for increased investments to the community.

*Leadership Support - We equip and invest in leaders to help them be more effective social justice leaders.

*Building Partnerships and Alliances - We build alliances with individual leaders and organizations in multicultural and multiracial formations to create achieve inclusion, fairness, and equity.


Ia Y.
Executive Assistant & Special Projects Manager
Ryan S.
Operations & Events Coordinator
Main Account
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