Chinese Progressive Association

place San Francisco, California, USA


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Founded in 1972, the Chinese Progressive Association educates, organizes and empowers the low income and working class immigrant Chinese community in San Francisco to build collective power with other oppressed communities to demand better living and working conditions and justice for all people.

What We Do

The Chinese Progressive Association (CPA) works to improve the living and working conditions of low-income Chinese immigrants in San Francisco. CPA does this by empowering immigrant leaders and their families to organize and advocate for themselves in order to change the communities that they live and work in.

Our core programs include the Tenant Worker Center, Youth MOJO (Movement of Justice and Organizing), and Political Empowerment Campaign. Through our core programs, CPA works to develop the leadership of low-income Chinese immigrant adults and youth to assert their voice in the civic process.

Our leaders have worked successfully to enact and enforce some of San Francisco’s strongest labor laws, including increasing the minimum wage, ensuring that workers have access to paid sick leave, and ensuring that these labor laws are enforced. They have also worked to ensure that all San Franciscans have access to quality and affordable healthcare.

In addition to our work in the Chinese immigrant community, CPA also works in city-wide multiracial alliances to build solidarity among other immigrant and low-income communities.


Linda L.
Development & Communications Associate
Shaw San L.
Volunteer manager
Hai Chi V.
Volunteer manager
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