Child and Family Services of NW MI

place Traverse City, Michigan, USA


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Our services support the safety and well-being of our clients in times of crisis, challenge, and life transition.

What We Do

Child & Family Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving 20+ counties of northern Michigan.
Since opening in 1937, we have provided foster care and adoption services to our region. Over the years, we have grown to respond to our communities changing needs, adding counseling, supervised visitation and exchange, intensive family preservation, runaway and homeless youth services, a free legal aid clinic, and more to our roster of programs.

Our foster care, adoption, behavioral health, licensing, and respite programs are accredited by CARF, assuring our stakeholders of our commitment to excellence in our clinical and administrative practices.

Our Vision:

Consistently striving to create communities where people are safe and healthy.


Gina A.
Executive Director
Amanda E
Amanda E.
AmeriCorps Director
Allison W.
Behavioral Health Therapist
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