Chattanooga Endeavors

place Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA


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Everyone deserves a second chance. However, second chances can be hard to find for former offenders and their loved ones. Through grassroots efforts and community initiatives that are restorative in nature and that provide realistic hope for those who have been affected by the criminal justice system, Chattanooga Endeavors creates true second chances for former offenders, helping them to overcome the stigma of incarceration, regain purpose in their lives, become contributive members of the community, and build a better tomorrow for all.

What We Do

We preserve the connection that prisoners have with their hometown, provide reentry planning as they are approaching their discharge, conduct employment-focused training for those who are in need of a job when they get home, and assist them into the workforce through an alternative staffing program.


Timothy D
Timothy D.
Founding Director
Jennifer F.
Administrative Assistant
Ardena H
Ardena H.
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