Center for Behavioral and Academic Research, Inc. dba McAdams Academy

place Wichita, Kansas, USA


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Mission: Providing a safe place where vulnerable youth practice academics, emotional, and spiritual skills for thriving lives that affect families and communities.

Vision: To teach every child to be successful in life, regardless of their circumstances.

What We Do

McAdams Academy has been embracing and educating society's neglected kids in Sedgwick County for over ten years.

Our Program is for Youth who are Expelled or in Foster Care. McAdams Academy is a behavioral program that uses a classroom format to deliver treatment. We accept kids who have been expelled, suspended long-term, or in foster care but are not attending school. We provide a safe and structured learning environment for kids who struggle with emotional and behavioral disorders. Post-pandemic data show a sharp increase in mental health issues, homelessness, and criminal activity for our nation's youth. Research indicates that keeping kids in a structured learning environment dramatically reduces their chances of being further impacted by these societal problems. Students receive seven hours of therapy each day while in our program as they continue their education through an accredited curriculum.

Expelled Kids Can Graduate with a Kansas High School Diploma
Through a partnership, we offer accredited curriculum and therefore our students earn high school credits for coursework completed while attending McAdams. Our students work under the supervision of liscensed teachers and behavioral specialists.


Chuck K
Chuck K.
Founder/Executive Director
Bev J
Bev J.
Director of Development
Ginny S.
Administrative Director
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