Canticle Farm

place Allegany, New York, USA


Saved on 9 projects and calls

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The mission of Canticle Farm, a ministry sponsored by the Franciscan Sister of Allegany (FSA), is to reverence, protect, and honor the sacredness of God's creation. Canticle Farm, a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm, is committed to connect all peoples, to practice Earth friendly habits and to come to a realization of a Creation centered spirituality.

What We Do

We are a community farm and all are welcome to visit our 15-acre farm. We offer our produce through CSA shares, our Farm Market, the local Farmer's Market, and donations to local organizations. All practices and operations of the farm are embodied in fulfilling the mission and providing for the food security and health of the area's families, along with educational opportunities.


Shauna K.
Board Chair
Bonnie P
Bonnie P.
Member Board of Directors
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