California Latinas for Reproductive Justice

place Los Angeles, California, USA


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CLRJ is a statewide organization committed to honoring the experiences of Latinas to uphold our dignity, our bodies, sexuality, and families. We build Latinas’ power and cultivate leadership through community education, policy advocacy, and community-informed research to achieve Reproductive Justice.

What We Do

Since its founding in 2004, CLRJ has emerged as an important state level actor and has a growing profile in the national level. CLRJ has evolved to be the leading California-based Latina Reproductive Justice organization, and is the only statewide advocacy organization whose mission focuses specifically on promoting Latinas' Reproductive Justice through policy advocacy, combined with community-informed research, community mobilization, alliance building, leadership development and long term movement-building strategies. At the national level, CLRJ also serves as a recognized leader in promoting a vibrant Reproductive Justice Movement on behalf of the most underserved Latinas, low-income women of color, immigrant women and their communities.


Laura J
Laura J.
Executive Director
Susy C.
Volunteer manager
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