Boston After School & Beyond
Saved on 4 projects and calls
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Boston After School & Beyond is a public-private partnership dedicated to supporting, strengthening, and expanding Boston's after-school sector. By fostering strategies that link education and enrichment efforts, Boston Beyond seeks to improve outcomes for Boston's youth.What We Do
Boston After School & Beyond is a public-private partnership that seeks to realize Mayor Thomas M. Menino's goal of ensuring that every child in Boston has the opportunity to develop to his or her full potential. Boston Beyond's role is to expand learning and skill development opportunities for students.Boston Beyond catalyzes partnerships among program providers, philanthropy, business and higher education, and the City of Boston, especially the Boston Public Schools. Boston Beyond advances student learning by leveraging the strengths of program providers, both large and small, through a coordinated approach to school and community partnerships. This coordinated approach is at the core of every Boston Beyond initiative.
Boston Beyond approaches its work through strategic functions:
- Convening and Communication.
- Policy Development and Coordination.
- Research and Analysis.
- Program Demonstration and Partnerships.