Bobby Dodd Institute
Saved on 11 projects and calls
This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.
To empower people with differing abilities to maximize their potential by securing economic self-sufficiency, independence and inclusion within their community.What We Do
BDI offers a continuum of support for all ages, stages and levels of need for people with disabilities and their families.We are navigators who guide our clients toward critical services and resources. We are allies who empower those with differing abilities to lead more independent, dignified lives. We are advocates who identify the strengths in those we serve, and help them achieve aptly suited employment opportunities. We are partners who provide business services to companies who share our vision of inclusion. We are a voice of possibilities for individuals with differing abilities.
By embracing people of all abilities, we can create a more inclusive community where each person's unique strengths are empowered and employed.