Blue Bear School of Music
Saved on 18 projects and calls
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Blue Bear School of Music's nonprofit mission is to provide superior quality and affordable popular music education to aspiring musicians of all ages and skill levels within a supportive and encouraging community, and to provide music education to communities that don't have access to arts programming. Making Music Changes Lives.What We Do
In addition to the 1000+ students who come to the school every year for private lessons, group classes and band workshops, Blue Bear provides a wide range of community programs that stem from our desire to revitalize music learning skills via popular music genres. We empower people to play the music they love.At Blue Bear School of Music, we believe that everyone should have equal access to the gift of playing music, regardless of their financial means, what neighborhood they live in and, in the case of young people, what school they attend. This is especially true for youth from low-income families and at-risk communities who do not otherwise have access to quality music education. We make this happen daily through our outreach programs. Our many partners include Glide Youth Ministries, the San Francisco Public Library, Bayview Hunters Point YMCA, Tenderloin Recreation Center (TRC), and San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD), and Hamilton Families, among others.