Ars Musica Chorale

place Ridgewood, New Jersey, USA


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The Mission of Ars Musica is to:
* Craft excellent programs of a wide range of choral music
* Provide choral singers with challenging, instructive, and rewarding opportunities to make music together, and to
* Enrich and educate the community by offering the excitement of live performance to a broad audience.

What We Do

Ars Musica presents four concerts over the course of a season, with the goal of sharing beautiful and compelling music with the New Jersey community. Our singers are a group of very talented volunteers from around the area, but we often collaborate with professional soloists and instrumentalists.

In light of the current pandemic and the difficulties of gathering as an ensemble during this time, we're interested in re-examining various aspects of our organization, making sure that we can keep our audiences engaged with the virtual content we're producing, and that when we can finally return to in-person concerts, we're in a strong position to resume music-making.


Jami L.
Volunteer manager
Peggy B.
Volunteer manager
Lisa B
Lisa B.
Chorus Administrator
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