Archangel Raphael's Mission

place Edison, New Jersey, USA


Saved on 27 projects and calls

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Provide much needed personal hygiene services to homeless people in Middlesex County with the goal of raising each person's self esteem and ultimately his/her quality of life.

What We Do

ARM was born out of a push to do more. Most of our founders were Rutgers University Alumni and we often found that student engagement was limited to very scripted activities that treat philanthropy as a reactive rather than a proactive endeavor. We were tired of doing the least we could do, so we fixed that. ARM currently operates several events a year that focus on putting the wonderful private institutions that make New Brunswick and Middlesex County unique back to the service of its citizens. Oh, and did we mention, we want to retrofit a metro bus to bring free showers and connect service providers to guests in Middlesex County! #JointheARMy and let's fight to make our community a little better, together.


John E
John E.
Kelsey L.
Vice President
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