
place 45800, Mexico


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We activate intergenerational co-creation to actively collaborate between communities. We encourage nonviolence to cultivate a culture of peace and compassion, while promoting cultural integration including equity and social diversity. We serve as reminders to reconnect to our highest potential and strengthen our collective resilience.

What We Do

Our Purpose:
Connect with young people and the community around them to Cultivate a culture of peace and compassion by increasing our collective capacity to care for the whole.

Create programs, experiences, and spaces to reflect, process, and metabolize, learning mutually and with intention to:
* Transforming our limiting beliefs/systems
* Expanding our internal and external resources
* Guiding and illuminating co-responsible action from connection
* Building a personally meaningful life

AbrazoPaz is a non-profit organization in a very early stage, dedicated to promoting a culture of peace in a holistic, interdisciplinary, and intergenerational way. We focus our core work on young adolescents, which extends to engagement with adults and children.
We work through education (courses and trainings) - especially experiential education. We aim to implement long-term mentoring, intensives (in camp form), community application through peace cells designed by adolescents for young children, and community projects.


Livier A
Livier A.
Founder and Facilitator
Marcela D.
The pixel